Theatre in the Park Youth Summer Camp 2024
August 19 - 23, 2024
Monday - Friday 9 am - 3 pm
Ages 6 - 14
Performance Friday at 1 pm
August 19 - 23, 2024
Monday - Friday 9 am - 3 pm
Ages 6 - 14
Performance Friday at 1 pm
"You Just Have No Idea" February 9 & 10, 2024
"Bubbylonian Encounter" is a light hearted theatrical performance that shows children how not to be a victim of child sexual abuse. It is intended for audience members grades 1-4.
Parents, guardians, teachers, counselors and administrators can observe any "Bubbylonian Encounter" and "Just the Facts" performance and there is no fee.
"Just the Facts" is a theatrical presentation intended for audience members grades 5-6.
"Just the Facts" is a theatrical presentation about sexting, internet safety, sexual harassment, sexual assault and confusing touch. It is intended for audience members grades 5-6.
with your school, local public safety department and county prosecutors to help implement Erin's Law. Our CARE Division produces live theatrical performances in your school that educate your children on the prevention of sexual abuse, sexual harassment and sexual assault. Theatrical scenes promote guided discussion on sexting, internet safety and how to report confusing touch.
"Bubbylonian Encounter" is a theatrical performance intended for grades 1-4. "Just the Facts" is a theatrical performance intended for grades 5-6.
Team players include your local police department, county child advocacy council, county prosecutors, and school administration and counselors. All or some of these team members should be at each performance to properly answer questions and address reported abuse.
Grosse Pointe Talent's CARE Division specializes in theatrical presentations produced for Elementary and Middle Schools with the purpose of educating children and teens on the prevention of child sexual abuse. Grosse Pointe Talent works as a team with your school, local child abuse council, public safety department and county prosecutors. Students typically view "Bubbylonian Encounter" in 1st grade and then again in 3rd grade and "Just the Facts" when they are in 6th grade. These shows are designed to empower the students to protect their bodies. Students are taught that they can say "no" anytime a touch is uncomfortable to them and they can say "no" to anyone who makes them uneasy by touch even if it is a friend or a family member. They are taught the importance of reporting forced sexual touch to a trusted adult and to keep on telling a trusted adult until a trusted adult believes them and helps them. "Bubbylonian Encounter" is a high energy show featuring a space alien, Bubb who lives in a bubble and comes to the planet Earth to find out about the sense of touch. It is very entertaining and captures the children's attention, focusing on the differences between good touch, confusing touch and forced sexual touch. It emphasizes what to do when a touch confuses them or hurts them. Three important words, are repeated throughout the presentation "no, go, tell." "Just the Facts" uses actors to portray before and after scenes of incidents of sexual harassment/bullying, confusing touch, sexual assault and online safety. It is an interactive show where the students, through guided discussion, discover ways to avoid becoming a victim. For information on hosting these shows in your school or summer camp, please contact us.
"Bubbylonian Encounter" and "Just the Facts" can be performed in your school's gymnasium, cafeteria or library.